Lunch and Dinner
Yummy Tummy Recipes
As an asian living away from home, it is very important to me that my daughter gets exposed to different tastes, flavors and cuisines. I need her to know that eating rice with sweetened meat dashed with vinegar is as normal as eating bread with butter and jam for breakfast. Since she started eating solids, I’ve been including different ingredients that would tickle her taste buds - ricotta, curry, vinegar, nuts, tamarind, truffle and the list goes on. So here are some of my recipes I’d love to share with you. 😋
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Having a sick baby is bad but having a sick family is worse.
Last winter, Sinta, my husband and I took turns in getting sick. It was like we were playing tag and every week was a lottery of who would be “it”. Sinta will get sick. Than my husband. Then me. A vicious cycle for 3 months.
I started making this natural chicken soup (no chicken cubes used) to sooth our itchy throats, make us feel warm inside and help us feel better…fast.
Thank god it’s spring! But the common flu or a slight fever may be lurking around the corner. So here’s something I want to share to all you Mamas and Papas.
4 cups water
4 chicken breasts with bones (600g)
3 celery stalks chopped
3 carrots chopped
2 bay leaves
1 thumb sized ginger thinly sliced
1 yellow onion sliced
3 tbsp oil (we use olive oil)
salt & pepper for seasoning
- Heat oil on medium heat. Add chicken.
- Cook each side for 3-4 mins or until light brown.
- Set chicken aside.
- Sauté all vegetables until onion turns light in color and carrot is soft.
- Put chicken back. Add bay leaves and water.
- Close lid and boil. Lower heat and simmer for 35-40 mins.
Serve and debone chicken. Season with pepper and salt as desired. Watch here:
Pineapple Curry Rice
Here’s something that’s super tasty and super satisfying! One thing I really try not to have, is a child that’s a picky eater. I try to infuse different cuisines and flavors in most of what I serve my family. This is one of Sinta’s favorite meals. Here’s my fun take on Pineapple Thai rice. Perfectly paired with fresh carrot & apple juice.
2 slices of fresh pineapples
1/4 cup cooked rice
1 tbsp minced red bell pepper
1/2 tsp minced garlic
2 pieces shrimps cut into small pieces
1 egg
1 tbsp crushed cashew
1 tbsp olive oil
Pinch of curry
Pinch of cinnamon
cilantro for garnish
- Place pineapple slices on plate. Sprinkle pinch of cinnamon. Set aside.
- In a pan on medium heat, heat oil and sauté garlic until fragrant.
- Add bell peppers and shrimp. Cook until shrimps turn pink. Set aside.
- Crack egg in the same pan. Scramble. Add rice. Mix.
- Sprinkle pinch of curry. Add shrimp mixture back. Mix. Garnish with cilantro.
- Scoop rice and place in the center of the pineapple slices. Sprinkle crushed cashew.
Serve. Watch this:

Lazy Tasty Turkey Recipe
Here’s one of my secret go-to meals when I have a gazillion things to do but still want to make something tasty for my family. It’s fast, it’s easy.. I can leave it in the oven while I do my errands around the house.
Plus did you know parsnip is a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C?
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 turkey breast; cubed
1 medium carrot; chopped
1 medium parsnip; chopped
2 tsp olive oil
- Pre-heat oven 190C.
- Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
- Cut aluminum foil in a square big enough to make a sealed pouch for the mixed ingredients.
- Place mixed ingredients in the center of the foil. Seal. Make sure the folds are under to prevent it from opening up.
- Bake for 30-35 mins
Serve! Watch this:

Easy Salmon Poke Bowl
A household favorite easy lunch idea. Also a fun way to make your kids eat their veggies…and beans!
2tbsp greek yogurt
1 tsp creme fraiche or sour cream
1 tsp lemon juice
Pinch of dill
1/4 cup couscous
1/4 cup cooked salmon chunks
1 tbsp edamame
1 tbsp grated raw carrots
1 tbsp grated raw cucumber
- Mix yogurt, crème fraiche, lemon juice and dill. Set aside.
- In a bowl, place salmon, couscous, edamame, carrots and cucumber.
- Pour yogurt sauce.
Tada! Ready to serve. Watch here: